
day 12 mumblings

i am on day 12 of this damn head cold.

it has now moved from ridiculous amounts of sinus pressure,

to an extreme sore throat.

i take lucy in today for a follow up appointment with the doc.

she has the cold too, but it has turned into croup for her.

luckily it's not as bad as this time.

going to have the doc check my gag reflex.

thinking i may have strep.

seriously mother nature,

can we please get a break from all these nasty virus'

and keep some warm effing weather?

i get pissy when it's been almost 2 weeks of feeling like crap.

on a less grouchy note,

this dress is on sale right now.

it'd be super cute with a cropped cardigan.

so any of you looking for a cute summer dress,

that have an extra benjamin laying around,

go get it and then update me!

tweet. tweet.


i do not have strep, just extreme virus 2011.

lucy is doing much better and only has

2 more days of steroids.


CHRISTY said...

I have had the cold for three weeks now. Finally on the tale end of it. It has been horrible. Hang in there!!

Mrs.Dr.Shot said...

Seriously, 2.5 yards of fabric, some boning, a zipper and some grey ribbon for 149! Even 79 gives the frugal girl in me a gagging cough.

But, I'm glad you and the luce are getting better and yeah, it's a cute dress.