
single parent mumblings

laying in the tub...

eating a quarter pounder with cheese...

getting ready to read a few chapters of my book...

after i finish looking at wedding pics on the ipad.

this is called making good use of your down time when you're a single mom....

which i officially am until july 3rd.

have i mentioned how, 2 days into it, i already despise this play.

tweet. tweet.

on an added note, hats off to all you real single parents out there.

seriously, i have no idea how you do it.


1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm disappointed, a quarter pounder, really? How about some hand dipped chocolates, cafe rio, or even just a mt. Dew? Quarter pounder, seriuosly mindy, we've got to broaden your horizons! Maybe if you had a large fry too, just maybe. Hang in there girl!