
mcdonald monday

*watched this movie over the weekend.

really enjoyed it.

thought it was very interesting,

but kinda weird that it's about facebook and already a movie.

it felt a little too soon if you know what i mean.

and every time i see jt i can't help but think of this.

*made these on thursday

and they are already on the menu again for tomorrow.

they are that good.

*starting the official summer schedule today.

love having structure and routine.

*love this shirt,

this dress (with a cardigan of course),

this color,

and any top with these.

*so close to kicking this show off the dvr.

then they do a great song like this.

i'm catching up on the rest of this season,

but pretty sure it won't make the cut next season.


1 comment:

Aim said...

Wow, loved that Glee song you posted! I hadn't heard it since I cut out the show. I'm so mad that the show went so downhill because I LOVE the music. I miss it actually but I know it was the right thing to do to stop watching it.

And the Saturday Night Live link was HIGHlarious. Thanks for the laugh this morning.

And yes, I am a closet perv. :)